Concept Presentation
The main purpose of the development of this project was, the research of the risks and possible exploits, exploring the "daily used techs" and the way the Web is being implemented, such as websites, browsers, javascripts and all that which makes your “web surfing” experiences possible, practical, eye candy and addicting.
As a mean of request interception (propagation stage), the system boots up an "Highly Anonymous" HTTP Proxy instance, serving all requests while logging all the dataflow along with other relevant data. Every incoming request is inspected, checking for targeted filetypes. On match, that file is obtained by the system, injected with the desired payload, and normally served to the request origin.
There are several uses and ways to deploy and take advantage of NYXEYE. On the propagation stage, numerous known attack techniques can be used to increase the propagation rate (Pineapple'ing through NYXEYE is one of my personal favourites).
On the infection stage, the payloads is up to your desires (and tech limitation, off course). The current payload sample, collects data, cookies, also providing keylogging capabilities.
With the research results and inner deep insights of several attack vectors, we hope to get a broader view on the current and future risks, along with viable wide scale mitigation technologies development.